
We conduct training to both individuals and corporate that meets the demand of the modern dynamic work environment.

The training can be done in-house for corporate that request for the exercise or can be conducted from our offices.

We occasionally conduct training events across different towns in the country to reach out to clients who are located in different parts.

After successful completion of the training we issue our participants with certificates which are a build-up on their resume portfolio.

The training's cover the following areas

An introduction to basic excel functions and formatting 

Advanced Excel Skills in excel including pivot tables among others. 

Download the outline from the downloads 

Training on how to file tax returns and pay taxes on the KRA itax system 

Filing statutory deductions of employees; NHIF and NSSF 

Practical Training on how to use quick-books accounting software 

We conduct training on the basic accounting principals , accounts record keeping and preparation of financial statements. 

Budget preparations for personal fiance and for businesses 

Online Training

We also have online training for those who cannot make it for our physical training events. 

On the online training portal you will learn from video tutorials and practice templates you can download on your computer. 

Visit our online training portal from the button below. 

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