Taxation is a field that has some has seen as a grey area. It is a topic that as a professional, you have to keep updating yourself regularly as the tax laws change from time to time as new Acts come into play.
Non-compliance to the tax laws is very punitive, and as you all know, ignorance of the law is not a defence; therefore, “I did not know is not an excuse”. Whether you are a student of taxation or relevant business course, an employer, employee, business person, or a citizen; tax will interact with you once.
Due to that fact that taxation is here to stay- its certain (Benjamin Franklin) it is imperative to keep updated on tax laws.
In this light, Anziano consultants have organised a practical tax training event to dispense knowledge and simplify the complexity of tax.

Why it is a must-attend
1.It will be practical Training
Forget the lecturing kind of talks; this one will be a practical one. It will be Literally working on the documents. Like for employment income tax, we will use P9 Tax cards and the tax file for filling employment income.
2.Knowledge Refreshment
Sharpen your tax skills and updates on new changes in Kenyan Tax laws.
3.Tax Compliance
Learn how to be compliant as an individual and as a business. A Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) is issued by Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to all tax compliant taxpayers on the application, you should have one for yourself, business and for your employer. Attend and learn how to get a TCC.
4. Certificates
After the training, every participant will get a certificate. You can use this to build your resume on the tax skills you will acquire.
It will present an opportunity to network with other people who will be attending. You meet new people. Perhaps you will encounter a person who had a similar business problem to yours, or someone who can share their own experience on a certain issue and provide you with valuable insight
The training will, therefore, be precious to everyone who will attend. The event falls on a weekend, which also is a public holiday, and you should consider attending. If you have not registered, Register Now.
If you have already registered but not confirmed your attendance you can confirm by contacting us, click on the icons below to chose the mode to communicate with and also for inquiries
Venue: Ventakone Hotel Kisumu
Charges: sh2,020
Payment can be made via Mpesa Paybill Number 650115