business brand

There are many existing businesses in the market some offering the same services, one of the things that make some outstanding from the rest is their branding strategy. A business brand is the identity of the business that makes it easily noticeable and recognised by its customers. Business branding entails a lot of things which include the name of the business, logo design and symbols, its colours, mission and vision amongst other things. In this article, we look at how to do your business branding and why it’s a very important component of the business strategy and an important element of an entrepreneur’s journey to starting a business.

Article Summary

What is Business Branding

What are some of the unique brands you know? This question should trigger your mind to recognize a certain product or company you have interacted with or use its products.

A business brand is an identity of a business or a product. It includes unique colours, designs and logos that make them easily noticeable and recognizable.

Some of the most noticeable brands include products such as Coca-Cola. The company brand stands out amongst other soft drinks companies. You will recognize it easily from its colour, bottle design and logo even when on a billboard miles away.

business branding strategy

Coming up with a business brand is a journey that any entrepreneur should give maximum attention to since it will influence a lot in the business and also will be a component of the business marketing. A well-crafted business brand will ensure the business products or services penetrate and succeed in a Market.

A brand communicates to customers about the business, it tells them what to expect in terms of service and products you offer.

Components of a Business Brand

A brand is an identity, what people see and reconnect with the business name or the business products. It is derived from who you are, who you want to be and how people should perceive you. Some of the components of a business brand include:

  • Logo
  • Colours
  • Company Tagline
  • Mission and Vision Statement

Business Logo

A logo is a unique symbol or design used to identify a company or organization. A logo creates value in a business by increasing the credibility of the business’s products and services.

A good logo differentiates you from everyone else and encourages brand loyalty. It tells your clients who you are what you do and how you can bring value to their businesses. It introduces you to people who have no prior knowledge about your business.

A good logo should contain the following qualities

  1. Simplicity – A good logo should be clear and easy to interpret in order to connect with your audience. A new customer should easily tell who you are and what you stand for.
  2. Typography – This is the style and appearance of a logo. It should be appealing and functional at the same time, graphics elements should balance all icons not to outdo the business name.
  3. Memorable Icon Elements – visual element increases the interest among your clients and makes your logo memorable. The icon needs to grab the attention of a customer and they can memorize it and make an interpretation about it.

Business Corporate Colours

Different colours have symbolic meanings across different cultures. What colour red may represent danger in one society and may represent happiness in another community.

Colours trigger emotions, influence our thinking, and decision-making, and give meaning, therefore as part of your business branding, you should consider the colours you will use for your brand identity. Colours are more powerful than we think.  How many times have you opted not to buy a product that you liked due to the colour? I bet many, for instance, some colours are perceived to be more feminine, while others are masculine. Clothes designers consider this while making clothes for either gender.

colour in branding

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Your brand colour should give a story. It should be unique to avoid being mistaken for another company. Use simple colours that can be easily identified. Some colours may look different on screen and on paper therefore, ensure you work with the right personnel to produce the colours during printing.  In addition, avoid using many colours in the logo it will make you look unprofessional.

Company Tagline

A company tagline is a slogan or motto, it is a phrase that gives expression of your company’s purpose and mission in brief.

A company tagline summarizes a company’s mission, vision and core values making it stand out in marketing and advertisements.

Examples of Catchy Slogan and Brand Taglines; Nike: ‘Just Do It’, Apple: ‘Think Different, MasterCard: “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.”, `Saves you Money`, `Think beyond `,

The tagline creates brand awareness and carries a brand’s value and promises the company to its customers.

Importance of branding to a business

Branding is very important to a business for many reasons.

The brand generates new customers.

A good brand will create new businesses. A good brand shows a positive impression of the business amongst its customers and is likely to do business with you because of the familiarity and assumed dependability of using a name they can trust.

Creation of trust in the market

Brand reputation is a translation of how much trust your business earns in the marketplace. Branding comes up with ways of establishing and maintaining trust between the business and customers. In competitive markets, trust is very important since it makes the difference between considering buying and making the purchase

How to Come up with a Business Brand

We have discussed the components of a business brand, how do you come up with a business brand?

Consider the following Questions:

  1. What Products or Services will your business offer?
  2. Who is your Target Market?
  3. Which symbols represent products or services your business offer?
  4. Which colours will your business use?
  5. Where would you like your business to be in future?

With this answered you can come up with your business brand. You can sketch a Logo for the Business, and determine which colours to use.

You can also engage an expert for guidance so that you get the best brand strategy for your business.

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    Things that will depend on the Business Brand.

    As mentioned earlier your business brand will be the identity of your business. The logo, tagline and colours you chose for your business must be reflected on all business items such as:

    1. Business Cards
    2. Letter Head
    3. Company Profile Document
    4. Brochures and Marketing Flyers
    5. Invoice and Receipt Books
    6. Branded Stationary

    Marketing your Business Brand 

    A well-branded business will be a key determiner in the marketing of a business’s services and products. The brand itself will be a communicative tool to the client of what the business offers.

    The business brand will create awareness and attract more customers as opposed to a non-branded business.

    Wrap Up

    Branding is a vast topic. It cannot be exhausted as changes in the business environment comes with new branding strategies for businesses to remain competitive. Branding involves areas such as marketing, advertisement, and business management.

    A business must come up with a good brand, remember branding creates perception. A well-branded business will be more appealing and attract more clients, the brand will influence them to see the value and believe in the product and service the business offers.

    We offer free branding consultancy, get in touch with us to learn how to brand your business. Our Email adder is Call or What’s App +254706600875


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